4. Using the encodings from riscv-opcodes

The rvopcodesdecoder is a decoder plugin for RISCV-ISAC, dependent on the official riscv-opcodes repository. The rvopcodesdecoder plugin automatically builds the decode tree and decodes instructions based on the encodings specified in the repository. The plugin will support any instruction/extension as long as it is specified in the format adhereing to the official repository.

4.1. Usage

4.1.1. Initial Setup

  • Standard version: This use case is intended for users who want to use the rvopcodes repo as is from riscv/riscv-opcodes. The command generates a rvop-plugin folder with all the necessary files needed for the plugin. This path will have to be passed via the CLI while running coverage.

    riscv_isac setup --plugin-path ./rvop-plugin
  • Custom Version: This use case is intended for users who have a custom/modified version of the rvopcodes encodings locally. The <path-to-rvopcodes> in the following command should point to the path on the system where the custom/modified riscv-opcodes repository contents are located. The command generates a symlink to the path inside the plugin folder and hence all changes to the encodings are picked up automatically. To add an extension, the user has to create a file with the rv<xlen> prefix followed by the extension name. The file can then be populated with the instruction encodings in the appropriate format. Similar steps can be followed for updating existing extensions too.

    riscv_isac setup --plugin-path ./rvop-plugin --rvop-path <path-to-rvopcodes>

4.1.2. Using the decoder with ISAC for coverage

To use rvopcodesdecoder as the decoder in RISCV-ISAC, rvopcodesdecoder should be supplied as argument for --decoder-name option with the --decoder-path set to the path of rvop-plugin generated in the previous step.. For example,

riscv_isac --verbose info coverage --decoder-name rvopcodesdecoder --decoder-path ./rvop-plugin -t trace.log --parser-name spike  -o coverage.rpt -e add-01.out -c rv64i.cgf -x 64


Pseudo instructions are always decoded into the mnemonics of the base instruction in this plugin. For example, zext.h is always decoded as pack only.