9. Writing Your Own Plugins

RISCV-ISAC uses the pluggy system for supporting plugins. The hooks are predefined and can be accessed by importing the riscv_isac.plugins module. The template for custom plugins is available here.

Two classes of plugins are defined, namely:

  • Parser Plugin(parserHookImpl): Parse the execution trace file to yield instruction (code), mnemonics, address and register commit value for each instruction. Currently, there are plugins for execution traces from 2 RISC V models - SPIKE and SAIL.

  • Decoder Plugin(decoderHookImpl): Decodes the information into a common instruction class object.


The name of the python file and the name of the class should be the same.


Coverage reported by ISAC is based on the instructions reported in the trace file. Hence it is imperative that all instructions are reported in the trace file. Currently the coverage reporting using the SPIKE model and parser is inaccurate because instructions which trap are not reported in the trace file. Such problems will exist with all parsers/models which follow similar behaviour.

9.1. Function Definitions

9.1.1. Parser Plugin def setup(self, trace, arch):

This function initializes each instance of parserclass() (a subclass of ParserSpec) of a given mode.

  • Arguments: (trace) file path of the execution trace file and (arch) architecture of the set.

def setup(self, trace, arch):
    self.trace = trace
    self.arch = arch def __iter__(self):

It converts the instance of parserclass() to an iterator. Thus, given an input trace file to the instance, this function will extract information from it line by line. An example is shown below from the c_sail parser.

  • Arguments: self instance of the class that contains the input trace file.

  • Returns: Generates instruction (instr), mnemonics (mnemonic), address (addr) and register commit value (commitvalue) on each call.

def __iter__(self):
    with open(self.trace) as fp:
        content = fp.read()
    instructions = content.split('\n\n')
    for line in instructions:
        instr, mnemonic = self.extractInstruction(line)
        addr = self.extractAddress(line)
        commitvalue = self.extractRegisterCommitVal(line)
        yield instr, mnemonic, addr, commitvalue

9.1.2. Decoder Plugin def setup(self, arch):

This function initializes each instance of decoderclass() (a subclass of DecoderSpec).

  • Arguments- self instance of the class and arch architecture of the instruction set

def setup(self, arch):
    self.arch = arch def decode(self, instr, addr):

This function decodes the instruction and returns an instruction object riscv_isac.InstructionObject.instructionObject.

  • Arguments: self instance of the class, instr Hexcode of instruction and addr address.

  • Return value: The instruction object in the standard format - (instr_name, instr_addr, rd, rs1, rs2, rs3, imm, csr, shamt)

def decode(self, instr, addr):
    ''' Decodes the type of instruction
        Returns: instruction object
    first_two_bits = self.FIRST2_MASK & instr
    if first_two_bits == 0b11:
        return self.parseStandardInstruction(instr, addr, self.arch)
        return self.parseCompressedInstruction(instr, addr, self.arch)

9.2. Using Custom Plugins with RISC-V ISAC

  • Pass the path of the directory where the custom file is present with --parser-path or --decoder-path as needed.

  • The name of the class should be passed using the --parser-name or --decoder-name argument. An example setup is shown below.

An example setup is shown below:

($) tree ./
├── add-01.elf
├── add-01.log
├── dataset.cgf
├── decoder
│   └── CustomDecoder.py
├── parser
│   └── CustomParser.py
└── rv32i.cgf

2 directories, 6 files

9.3. Templates

9.3.1. Parser Plugin


import riscv_isac.plugins

class CustomParser()

    def setup(self, trace, arch):
        self.trace = trace
        self.arch = arch

    def __iter__(self):
        #extract instruction, mnemonic, addr and commit value
        yield instr, mnemonic, addr, commitval

9.3.2. Decoder Plugin


from riscv_isac.plugins import decoderHookImpl
from riscv_isac.InstructionObject import instructionObject

class CustomDecoder()

    def setup(self, arch):
        self.arch = arch

    def decode(self, instr, addr):
        # construct Instruction Object and return