3. Usage

3.1. CLI

Once you have RISCV-ISAC installed, executing riscv_isac --help should print the following on the terminal.

   --version                       Show the version and exit.
   -v, --verbose [info|error|debug]
                                   Set verbose level
   --help                          Show this message and exit.

  coverage   Run Coverage analysis on tracefile.
  merge      Merge given coverage files.
  normalize  Normalize the cgf.

RISCV-ISAC has three commands : coverage, merge and normalize which are described below. Help text for each command can be accessed by executing riscv_isac <command> --help

Help command:

Usage: riscv_isac coverage [OPTIONS]

  Run Coverage analysis on tracefile.

  -e, --elf PATH                  ELF file
  -t, --trace-file PATH           Instruction trace file to be analyzed
  -c, --cgf-file PATH             Coverage Group File  [required]
  -d, --detailed                  Select detailed mode of  coverage printing
  --mode [standard|spike|c_sail]  Select mode of trace file input.
  -o, --output-file PATH          Coverage Group File
  --test-label LABEL_START LABEL_END
                                  Pair of labels denoting start and end points
                                  of the test region(s). Multiple allowed.

                                  Pair of labels denoting start and end points
                                  of the signature region(s). Multiple

  --dump PATH                     Dump Normalized Coverage Group File
  -l, --cov-label COVERAGE LABEL  Coverage labels to consider for this run.
  -x, --xlen [32|64]              XLEN value for the ISA.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Help Command:

Usage: riscv_isac merge [OPTIONS] [FILES]...

  Merge given coverage files.

  -d, --detailed          Select detailed mode of  coverage printing
  -c, --cgf-file PATH     Coverage Group File  [required]
  -o, --output-file PATH  Coverage Group File.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Help Command:

Usage: riscv_isac normalize [OPTIONS]

  Normalize the cgf.

  -c, --cgf-file PATH     Coverage Group File  [required]
  -o, --output-file PATH  Coverage Group File  [required]
  -x, --xlen [32|64]      XLEN value for the ISA.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

3.2. Other Projects

To use RISC-V ISA Coverage in a project:

import riscv_isac